A holiday whole-berry cranberry sauce that leaves out the processed sugar and only contains organic fruits, raw honey and grassfed beef gelatin.
Almost all cranberry sauce recipes are filled with processed sugars and apple juice. Apples used in apple ciders and juices contain a mycotoxin called "Patulin" and can be very harmful to your nervous system.

I try to keep my holiday recipes on the side of "Whole Food Nutritious" instead of Phaze 4 (90-day strict). Reason being, is because once or twice a year we need some sanity but we also need to avoid the really dangerous stuff that can set us back for months. Using real food ingredients like organic fruits can help to add flavor and tang to a lot of holiday dishes without feeling like you've cheated and ruined your health for a month.

large bowl
1 cup of filtered water
1 bag of organic cranberries (7-12oz)
2 Tbsp Raw Unfiltered Honey
1 organic lemon
1 Tbsp of organic ginger
1/2 pineapple
1 scoop of Vital Proteins Grassfed Beef Gelatin
In the small stock pot (or large saucepan) on your stovetop cook the filtered water, cranberries, cinnamon and raw honey on medium heat.
Using the lemon zester, zest the entire rind all the way around until there is no more yellow rind left (into the cooking stock pot).
Place your pineapple in a large bowl to catch the juices.
Using the pineapple corer, cut and core your pineapple and only use one half of the pineapple meat. Toss out the top and skins.
In your blender or food processor blend the pineapple and pulp of the lemon together for about 10-15 seconds. Remove the puree from the blender and add it to the stock pot.
Bring the mixture to a boil and stir until all of the cranberries open up and the mixture becomes thicker.
Remove it from the heat and slowly sprinkle tiny amounts of the beef gelatin "AS YOU STIR" at the same time. I like to use a wire whisk otherwise it becomes clumpy and uneven. Whisk the mixture until all of the gelatin is fully incorporated.
Cranberry Sauce can be stored in a glass BPA-free container for up to 3 months or you can serve it immediately. Cranberry Sauce can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator before discarding to avoid fungal growth.
