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Writer's pictureJennifer Cannon

Grain-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

This is a moldy-friendly version of pumpkin muffins without the grains, gluten, sugar or dairy. Enjoy with a warm tea or my healing golden milk



Makes 12 Muffins. Cost is about .80 cents "PER" muffin.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease or spray your muffin pan with either olive, avocado or coconut oil, or use liners.

  2. Combine all ingredients until batter is smooth.

  3. Use an "ice cream" scooper to fill the cups about 2/3 full. Don't worry about filling them too full because they don't rise a whole lot because of the gluten is not there.

  4. Bake for about 16- 21 minutes. [Because ovens vary you'll need to start checking on them at about 16 minutes to make sure they don't overcook or undercook. You'll know they are done when you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean)

Did you make these muffins? Tell me what you think about them? My husband and I love them and I have to keep him away from them or he'll eat them all in one sitting.

STORAGE? Yes!! You can freeze these in an air tight BPA free container in the freezer and then simply lay them out an hour before you want to eat them. Or....put them back in the oven for a tasty warm treat.

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Hey guys!! I'm Jennifer.  I was exposed to toxic mold 10 years ago and struggled my way through detox.  I created this site to help other mold sufferers follow a "mold detox diet" successfully.



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