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PhazeMoldDiet offers two ways to access the detox diet:


  1. Monthly Phaze access:  PhazeMoldDiet has a total of 8 Phazes.  The diet works best when individuals follow the program in its entirety.  When the diet is skipped around or phazes are ignored, results are not as effective.  For this reason, we recommend all 8 phazes followed in time sequence and in order to reap the full benefits of the program.

  2. Lifetime Phaze access:  This gives you the same access to all 8 phazes, but allows you to have lifetime access to all future new recipes as the site grows over time.  Many find this approach useful as some people may need longer periods of detox OR as terrible as it seems, some people find themselves having to detox more than once from a 2nd or 3rd exposure.  The Lifetime membership can save you up to $60 on the program.


What is the pricing for PhazeMoldDiet?

  • Monthly Phaze access to members is $20 per month

  • Basic information about PhazeMoldDiet is free (does not include food guides or food lists for each phaze)

  • If I want to save money and have lifetime access to the recipes, can I pay a one-time access fee?

    • We are now offering a lifetime access membership of a one-time payment of $179.  This gives you full access to all phazes, guides and recipes in perpetuity.  It also gives you a discount on your last 2 phazes "free" as a bonus for buying the lifetime access program.  It also gives you 50% off any and all future upgrades or services that PhazeMoldDiet may launch in the future. 

  *If any account is canceled, access to Phazes and Recipes will cease



basic info





Only includes basic information about how the program works


Signs you up for email updates or occasional tips about foods and a mold diet.


Does not include reading guides/education for any of the 8 Phazes


Does not include any recipes

full program


a month



Full Phaze access

Full access to all Phaze educational guides


Full access to all Phaze food lists


Full access to all Phaze recipes


Signs you up for email updates, tips about foods on a mold diet and bonus offers or recipes for full program members.


Gives you full access as long as you are an active paying monthly subscriber



full program


one time



BONUS: Gives you lifetime access without the monthly fee


Full Phaze access

Full access to all Phaze educational guides


Full access to all Phaze food lists


Full access to all Phaze recipes


Signs you up for email updates, tips about foods on a mold diet and bonus offers or recipes for full program members.


Gives you full access as long as you do not cancel your account.


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Members: Login


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Copyright 2014-2025 PhazeMoldDiet ~ SurvivingToxicMold

Disclaimer. All information on this website and in including phaze guides, phaze recipes, products, meal plans and ebooks are general information. Nothing on the website or any content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis , or treatment. See full disclaimer here.

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